Review: The Unyielding by Shelly Laurenston

I am such a Shelly Laurenston fangirl. The craziness. The laugh out loud dialogue. The insane characters who put themselves in outrageous situations. I mean really, what's not to love? The Pride series will forever and always be my go to books when I'm looking for a zany, hilarious time out from the real world. Call … Continue reading Review: The Unyielding by Shelly Laurenston

Review: The Undoing by Shelly Laurenston

I read Shelly Laurenston when I need something just a little bit crazy, but a whole lot funny. Anyone who has enjoyed either her Pride series or Dragon series written under the pen name G.A. Aiken knows exactly what I'm talking about. The Undoing is the second book in the Call of Crows series and … Continue reading Review: The Undoing by Shelly Laurenston

What-To-Read Wednesday: The Unleashing by Shelly Laurenston

Welcome to What-To-Read Wednesday. Each week our Fiction Vixen reviewers will tell you about a book they think you need to read ASAP. This week Angela recommends: The Unleashing by Shelly Laurenston I adore reading Shelly Laurenston simply because she makes me laugh. I don't think I've ever picked up one of her books and … Continue reading What-To-Read Wednesday: The Unleashing by Shelly Laurenston